Well well well, fancy seeing you here... you arrived earlier than i expected... Ive got a fish cooking in the oven... It's right at the back.
Ive had a crazy hectic woopee last couple of weeks!!! Firstly i think the most exciting thing on the agenda is the fact that on the 22nd of october i went with a bunch of great people (that is jonno, Stu, Jared and Anne) to Luna Park to see The Eels with strings... typed words couldn't express my on going excitment. Mr. E has probably been the coolest person Ive seen perform live... (And thats up there with Jay from Jamiroquai!) he was up there with his hat, walking cane, cigar (which was then later used to conduct the strings) and glass of scotch (heres hoping) and wow... sorry i just cannot put it into words. the percussionist was fantasmagorical!!! he play a saw with a bow, and rather than drums, the setup was a plastic bin and suitcase with pick-ups WAHH!
anyways I went back to Woolongong for the night then in the morning travelled to sydney then gosford then newcastle and then to the bay to stay with my sister!
In the morning Melissa (sals housemate) and sal were hanging up one of their hammocks and they thought it would be a great idea to get me to test it out. It seemed ok at first but mid scentence i fell straight onto the concrete... nice bruised ass to show for it.
That night sally had her 26th birthday party at the Old Texas Ranch which was great,HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALLY! we got drunk and all dressed up as cowboys and indians... Ill post some photos later... Melanie and I were the only Indians... the night was awsome... in brief it consisted of twisting, mechanical bull rides, limbo, steaks as big as your head... and lots of alcohol.
The next day we drove to sydney for my Omas 90th birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMA! It was at uncle Rudi's house and it was really nice to see alot of my relatives again that i hadn't seen for almost 2 years...
Liz decided to take me back to woolongong where i got to hang out with Jonno and Patrick, Patrick and catch up with Kim! I really like Woolongong... i think that perhaps Id want to live there maybe when i get back from germany!
anyways when i got back i had two days before my directing assignment was due. and including those four days before my video major work (the documentary) was due... So ive been sleeping in the labs for the last couple of nights and last night was my first night in my own bed for agesss!!! its felt great. good sleep.
So yeah!!! ive just handed those things in and its allllll good!!!
Looking forward to a good week, still have some more stuff due but its not as time consuming as editing.
So I guess thats it for now!!! I forsee alot of party photos coming up.
For those who have essays and exams and stuff still due, ALL THE BEST and ill see you with a drink in your hand when your done! (preferrably a shot of tequilla at my house!!!)