im bored... really bored...
Ive been working heaps which keeps me occupied, but its the inbetween bits... sure i do what i need to do, or i dont do it. but after that, before work or before bed im bored shitless... nothing exciting is happening... I HAVE NOTHING TO THINK ABOUT!!! ive read soooo much that i think too much and it scares me so i stop. and then... nothing!
Television sucks... it makes me feel dumb... or maybe when i watch it i just realise i am.
I think my soul (or whatever it is, i prefer to call it my 'ness') is slowly leaving my body but its almost as if its only right next to me the whole time... we're handcuffed. me and my ness.
AHHH! someone give me something exciting to work on!!!!!
when you feel like your not yourself.
take another drink.
when you feel like the world is disappearing from all around you.
take another drink.
for all those who are watching the skies, the weather to day is a bit apprehensive followed by an afternoon of steady uneasiness.