Friday, October 06, 2006

Illustration Friday "Trouble"

It only took a couple of minutes but i think im getting worse.


murphy girl said...

you convey a lot with a simple illo; i like it

Deborah Champion said...

That reminds me of my childhood... I was always told to stand in the corner. I spent alot of time there... I think your illo is great!

Anonymous said...

Agree with the previous comments; economy of style but still gets the message across.

Nancy Murphree Davis said...

great concept and nice depiction

Mariya K said...

I dunno what you're worrried about, it's great... the only thing that could make it cooler, is if the angle of the chair and the corner was somehow more emphasized... maybe I'm just looking at it from a film point of view... go to Nomis' blog, he did a good similiar sort of thing with a big boogie man monster-type guy.

adrigen said...

that's a very angry hand.

g1toons said...

nice piece i like the layout of the scene it adds too the pic

ian said...

Thanks for all these ideas it inspired me to go after many of them and use a lot of you suggestions like a blog…