Saturday, December 24, 2005

Is it weird that I like the smell of band-aids?

Heppy Chrestmas!

happy/merry christmas to all my little kebabs.
be festive and eat well.

you should check out the chirstmas lights winners for this year... im impressed.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Snappy Pentaxmas... ha ha!

If any of you are out there looking for a digital camera and you came across the canon ixus 50. you though wow what an awsome camera for an awsome price, but unfortunatley no one has them in stock, i'll give you the reason... all the folks at the camera stores are buying them all... i think i saw 5 of them at our work christmas party... it made me love my little blue nikon even more when everyones cameras got muddled up! I feel kind of sorry for anyone who happens to be in the same restaurant when we go out... the amount of flashes would surely be the likley scenario for anyone to fall into an epileptic fit.