Friday, January 27, 2006

ScannerCamera FIRST TRY!

Ok! Incase anyone is wondering what the hell this is, its a photo of me with Adrian and Jacky's first attempt at making a scanner camera. So what you see above is a shoebox with a pinhole sitting on a basic flatbed scanner, and this is just the beggining... Alot of adjustments need to be made but I'll go into detail later... for now just you all get as excited as I am.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

A blog well done...

Ok well, I just wanted to put a post up to say that this blog is approx. 1 year old! which is exciting!!! thanks to all of you that have been dropping in! To mark this occasion I maded a vector for you all, seeings as this also marks one year since I started making them! CHEERS!

I heart melbourne.

Im in america again now, Its just as I remembered. The airport gave it away with a slight smell of bacon, cheese and wet chalk. I could just say its hard to describe, but I thoughtd I'd give it a shot anyways. Its good to see Mum, Dad and Adrian. Im excited because Adrian and I are going to go shopping at some point to buy some materials to make a scannner camera, which I'm thinking could be a great medium for my photomedia class this year. If you want to check out some cool examples go here.
So I spent the last week before coming here in Melbourne, Marius is pretty good for all those concerned, I can't wait to move there! It's such a beautiful city and talk about awsome food! I could spend a couple of years exploring every little awsome cafe or club hidden away somewhere. So yeah had a lot of fun, went out a fair bit, did some shopping and alot of social interactivity. Anyways lots of stories to tell but I must go...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy 2006 Kittens!

16 Shot Mode

"This is your one opportunity to do something that no one has ever done before and that no one will copy throughout human existence. And if nothing else, you will be remembered as the one guy who ever did this. This one thing."